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Empower Your Agile Teams with High-Quality Data

TDspora supplies safe, reliable, and diverse synthetic data in sufficient quantities.


Generate Data in 4 Steps

TDspora learns your data patterns and generates production-like data compliant with privacy regulations.

Data generation allows you to:

  • extract a representative sub-set of data for the model training;
  • train the model with a privacy budget (quantifiable privacy guaranteed);
  • evaluate the quality and privacy level of the trained model;
  • copy the model or expose it through an API to generate the data.
icon Define the Scope
Figure Arrow

1. Define the Scope

Extract referentially intact dataset as a sample

icon Train AI
Figure Arrow

2. Train AI

Train data generation machine learning model

icon Generate Data
Figure Arrow

3. Generate Data

Generate any volume of real-world-like data

ico Share AI

4. Share AI

Safely share the trained ML model with your colleagues

Make Your Testing Easier

TDspora uncovers patterns, trends, and correlations hidden within your production datasets.

Privacy-Preserving Data Generation

Privacy-Preserving Data Generation

Learns your data patterns and generates production-like data compliant with GDPR, CCPA, HIPPA, PCI DSS

Advanced Data Sub-setting

Advanced Data Sub-setting

Allows you to traverse through data sources, following complex relationships

Fault-Tolerant Data Replication

Fault-Tolerant Data Replication

Enables distributed, fault-tolerant data migration between different types of data stores

Simple Integrations with Popular Databases

Simple Integrations with Popular Databases

Supported by built-in data processing engine and enable quick adoption of data sources

Get Started with TDspora

Request demo and start right now.